The theme of “Student Voices” permeates the entire programme for the conference and on the day we will have a Youth Media team capturing the events of the day and the reactions of the attendees. The idea behind the Youth Media team is to let them ‘walk the talk’ of social media, blogging and more … and maybe to show us how it’s done 🙂
You won’t be able to miss them on the day, they’ll be the ones in the red t-shirts, so please share your thoughts with them. For those of you who can’t make it on the day, keep an eye on the #ictedu hashtag on Twitter, and on this blog as it’s likely to be busy!
The cap-stone session at ICTEdu usually offers something a little bit different. This year is no exception as we plan to give the floor to the Youth Media team to bring us up to speed with their conference experiences / impressions and their digital-doings.