Leigh Graves Wolf presents the keynote for the 2021 ICT in Education Conference. She reflects on perspectives gained as an active educator during our unprecedented period of emergency remote teaching and learning.
Dr Graves Wolf is a Clinical Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Innovation at Arizona State University. A truly engaged advocate of openness in education, Leigh publishes, presents, and shares innovative solutions that affect young students in their communities and in their classrooms. Her syllabus and schedule from her online doctoral seminar offered helpful suggestions for third level lecturers throughout Ireland who were also challenged with adapting learning modules during COVID-19.
Many of the links in Dr. Leigh Graves Wolf’s peer-reviewed work point to a treasure trove of open source materials. If not open source, her links often lead to library resources that are commonly available for free throughout Ireland and on Amazon.
If you’re not familiar with content tagged as #oep and #edshareie, you should plan to join Leigh Graves Wolf online with global viewers during her 2021 ictedu Keynote Address.
Follow Leigh’s blog posts at leighgraveswolf.com and connect with her conversations on Twitter through her @gravesle account.
Bonus Book Links:
Bayne, S. (2020). The Manifesto for Teaching Online. The MIT Press.
Blum, S., & Kohn, A. (2020). Ungrading: Why rating students undermines learning (and what to do instead). West Virginia University Press.